Speaker: Elena Pribavkina (Ural State University, Ekaterinburg)
Title: A dynamical approach to Thompson's group V
Abstract: A word w over a finite alphabet A is called n-collapsing if for an arbitrary deterministic finite automaton
the inequality |\delta(Q,w)|\le |Q| − n holds provided that |\delta(Q,u)|\le |Q| − n for some word u (depending on the automaton). In case n=2 there is a gruop-theoretic characterization of 2-collapsing words. To every word w is associated a finite family of finitely generated subgroups in finitely generated free groups. Then the word is 2-collapsing iff each of these subgroups has index at most 2 in the corresponding free group. There is also a similar characterization for the closely related class of so-called 2-synchronizing words.
Such a characterization allows to establish some new properties of the language of 2-collapsing words, for instance, to show that this language over a binary alphabet is not context free, and to find a new lower bound on the length of 2-collapsing words. In the talk will also be discussed some open problems concerning collapsing words for which such a group-theoretic approach might be useful.